Sunday, May 13, 2012

05 - Catalina's Blog

Which came first the dog or the park???
Gophers, ground squirrels and rodents, oh my!
What is this heaven my owners have brought me to? It seems only a few dog days ago I was watching the front yard furry foreigners galavanting around and now I am in the Serengeti of wildlife...(okay, it's not lion & tigers but it's a far bark from Friendswood!). The highlight of animals in New Mexico was a snake I came nose to tail (it's tail) with...fortunately Avril's scream startled anything living within a mile radius!!! Here in Arizona I am stationed at a State Park where I have acres and acres of patrol area. First and foremost something must be done about those ground dwelling rodents. I see them outside my tether line and when we go out on patrol I can smell them as my muzzle infiltrates their holes. Hasn't anyone spayed or neutered them? Why are there so many of them, this is just too much for one dog to control. For now, I will bear the burden of being the lone sentinel.

A horned toad, no they don't taste like chicken! Most prey run away, this one likes to stop & stare...

Galloping white tailed jack rabbits - I don't know whether to laugh at these creatures or tell them how ridiculous they look & behave. What's up with those humongous ears??? I like to go out on patrol after dinner, that seems to be the best comedic time to watch these rabbits do their scoot and gallop. Friendwood rabbits, albeit smaller, have a more graceful hop which makes it easier to get into pursuit mode.  Now that my paws have healed and hardened to this ruffer terrain, I hope to utilize my predatory prowess in these neck of the woods.

The call of nature - most nights I hear my coyote brethern singing & whooping it up. I can tell their accent is different from Texas but I guess that's to be expected...this is my last night in my namesake State Park, I hope our next destination will be as exciting. I just can't imagine going back to Friendswood anytime soon, the squirrels there just aren't the same calibre. My eyes have been opened, and I see more WILDlife in my future!

Driving Miss Catalina...she prefers the window seat!

1 comment:

  1. Dude, you gotta go to Mesa Verde! They have tons of delicious grasshoppers all over the place!! Oh, and those were RABBITS?? I thought they were cats with really overgrown ears!
